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Текст – ................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................................

Текст – ................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................................

Tree of Life - this is what we call our material because of its unique properties associated with the nature of its appearance! The material from which our products are made is created on the basis and using traditional production technologies of Japanese washi-suki paper, the history of which goes back to the distant past.

The material is soft and pleasant to the touch, light and flexible, but at the same time it is very durable, in addition, it hassuperior water resistance and durability, thereforeit is not easy to damage.

XXX products can be washed if you are concerned about dirt, but carefully, following our recommendations, by wiping with a damp cloth with soapy water, but not in the washing machine, washing instructions are below, but you can also watch the film on our YouTube channel:

The traditional material from which washi paper is produced, as well as the production technology, makes the material unique in its characteristics; we will note 7 main properties








Our company's products have three main lines: Bijouterie, Bags and Home. Almost every product has certain unique properties and capabilities that define, as an example: transformation of models, change of design and color of certain parts in models.

As an example, from an ordinary classic bag, clutch or shopper, you can create a simplified version of a comfortable and beautiful bag. Thus, you buy not one, but two bags, for the price of one, which makes your purchase profitable, but also, of course, convenient.

Colors of Life - created for the Bijouterie line products, rings, bracelets, pendants and other products you can independently, easily and simply change not only the design, but also the color As one example, the color of the inside of the bracelet changes due to the color inserts that come with the kit, but also, you can purchase additional colors, there are 14 colors in our collection.

We have developed a unique design, thanks to which you have the opportunity to not only simplify or change the design of your bag, clutch or shopper, but also change the color of one of the parts. We created bags from two parts, the main part of the bag and a decorative outer lining, the two components are connected with special locks. So, you have the opportunity to use a simplified version, this is the main part of the bag, or change its design with decorative inserts of different shapes.

Scheme for changing design and color with the Colors of life product

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